Fall Equinox 2020, Balancing Light and Dark, Doing the Good Work

Today, the Fall Equinox, is a time of balance between light and dark. How appropriate now more than ever! Balancing light and dark has never been more important work.  For many years I’ve written Equinox and Solstice messages. I stopped a few years ago after thinking my time was done. Yet this year I have felt the nudge and have watched the many signs that have manifested that it is indeed time to write again!  

I have observed this year, watched from the sidelines in a way that has allowed me to be neutral in many ways. I have not turned my passions onto other people.  I have worked to find my own prejudices and sought to understand how all that’s happening now relates to my own personal growth. This is a technique I have often written about over the years. Internalizing the collective energies in a way that allows for self-reflection. The pandemic gave me space to do this, and I am grateful.

The Hopi predict a time of purification. A burning off of what no longer works. Are we here? 
When unsustainable practices dominate and the people have lost their voice in the matter of decisions, are we automatically aligned with revolution? 

If you’ve turned your back on others because of their beliefs, opinions and perspectives, you have work to do.  Unconditional compassion and acceptance sounds great, but putting to practice may be another story for many. This year has been a test. A test of WHO ARE YOU? and how you really express that in the world. Do you point your fingers at others while avoiding self-reflection? Is blame and shame your main game? We are seeing ourselves through the eyes of others. 

Nothing has brought this out more than politics. Because politics affects everyone; the decisions made, laws passed, and how we live our lives. Don’t think you are free from this just because you say you don’t participate. Even if only energetically and due to collective laws, we are all affected by what happens. The division and separation that has dominated these last four years could’ve easily been coordinated to happen on purpose. 

At this point in the year, it has become obvious that there is pain and suffering. It has grown into tremendous proportions. People have dug in and taken refuge in their beliefs, habits and experiences. Looking only for like minds, while leaving others out, simply because they have different outlooks. Is that love? Is that being respectful of others? Be honest. It is not. Exclusion is often an excuse to hate and be right. 

Recently, I had someone who I greatly respected, worked with and considered a friend, unfriend me on social media simply because they didn’t like, or agree, with what I was posting. I haven’t heard from them since.  What a true tragedy.  I felt the weight of this loss for several days, even weeks. My heart was sad. I was surprised he was so unaccepting, so judgmental and I thought how could I have been so wrong about him? When the dust settled I knew our friendship was over, and any chance of working with him in the future was gone. 

Gone. Like time, or moments when we have a chance to show love instead. Never to be had again. This year has been a challenge in many ways.  Especially when it comes to having an opinion and voicing it. Many want to suppress others this way. Shut them up. Change them, convince them they are horrible people because of their beliefs by social shaming. They are invested in the outcome of this, perhaps even unknowingly. Yet it is the least thing they have control over, others want to be right over everything else. Some will think it’s their job to watch others to determine their worthiness of being seen and heard. While in the world we have now it may just be their job.

What happens when you’re wrong about someone? 

Honorable endings. What does that mean? It means ending things with respect, consideration, kindness and in a way that holds everyone in a space of completion. I’ve learned this well over the years, as I’ve moved through different groups and communities, especially.  What a gift to practice. This year brings many chances for us to study that. 

The Equinox, the time of balance between light and dark, gives an opportunity to reflect on our own light and dark side. How do we move out into the world in a way that is mean, unforgiving, judgmental and careless? How do we care, show love, support, offer kindness and forgiveness? How we are with all of that determines which side of us is dominant. When we cross paths with our shadow, it is always a chance to grow. When others express their shadows, it is always a chance to support and show compassion. Many times when I bring this up, people will say what about abusive people who don’t respect your boundaries? They don’t deserve compassion and forgiveness! People who do not respect your boundaries can be forgiven without violating your boundaries. Healthy boundaries are a necessary part of life. Abuse is a symptom of pain and suffering, and liberating others from these chains is not necessarily your job, yet you are a part of it because we are all connected. In that connection, lies the shared karma. In releasing others from the parts of yourself that allow that connection to be dysfunctional is your job

This Equinox shines a light on where we are at right now.  In this moment, we are collectively facing our shared karma, and in that very thing, we are finding our way to our deepest wounds. These wounds need our love, just as we need each other. We are a interconnected group oriented species. Separating from one another, in some cases may create temporary relief, however in the long run we may find that relief can eventually led to other things not so relieving. 

What is a Kraken anyway? It’s the culmination of all of our deepest buried desires, beliefs and thoughts. Think about it. What causes you to do your best to avoid? Those triggers are your greatest treasures. It is there that your inner beast will rise. Racing to your surface of superficial ways and informal socializing.

You are a deep being craving more.

Now for the good stuff, If you have read this far, you deserve to read what comes below… and thank you for being here. I am mindful of engaging only those who want more. Know I have no attachment to any of it. The predictions come through from a deeper state of consciousness and awareness. It is written multi-dimensionally intentionally. 

We are immersed in a giant tsunami of energy. Both cosmically with new sun cycles, and earthly with deep magma movement. If you try to stand up you will be knocked down by the sheer force of it. It is a tremendous thing. Like an entity that has eaten well and has grown large and still consumes. The magnetic fields are important right now, learn about them. Our technology use has grown past the point of no return. It has damaged our fields. In some ways irreversible. Staying home shifted the climate. Skies and water cleared. This is being heavily studied. Your data banks are corrupt. Your wish to build your digital utopias will come at a great cost. Buyer beware. The seers who are building their visions have lost sight of their earthly beginnings. Laid waste to its body. What happens when you soil someone to the point of disgust? You find another. Mars is far more advanced than you are aware of and plans are deep into the works to transfer life, a legacy of innovation and leadership. 

What good is a raped woman who spends forever thinking she is soiled? Think deep sexual healing across the entire planet as circles are being broken up in ways never imagined. The children are being found. The conspiracy genre is growing and it won’t be allowed to grow much bigger, there are hunters out now. Censorship is the thread of which will weave a new story, narrative, and only those who have access will have the final say. What kind of system is that? We have never been here, in this state of digital age, before. You cannot compare it to any another system really, remember this is all being built new in the new decade, in the new cycles, because the visionaries of today are connected to this ancient aspects of the great workings of things. They know how to manifest and they have learned the secrets. Which many are not privy too. However, you can use your thought space, intention and consciousness to figure it out. Hence, continues the constant assault on your higher senses and bigger selves. This can be undone. Any damage done, can be resolved. Seek it out. 

Trump is a trigger of high degree. He has done well to play a part of opposition and enemy. He has made every women with man hater energy even meaner and more hateful. He has caused doubt in almost every sector of certain minds. He is an entity. It is up to you to see how your energy is attached. The digital infrastructure Trump allowed to be built during his term, will reign.  You will be managed by a sky net system that will make you wish you had police back. Removing them is part of the agenda to switch course and implement something you can’t see coming yet. Trump and all the negative feminine energy he has harvested over these last four years will be used esoterically by the societies running the show behind your president. The chaos that is perceived is intentional, as the unpredictable Trump needs to be culled because he has changed too much. 
There is fuckery afoot. The pandemic is a means of implementation. He cares not if he is re-elected. His purpose has been fulfilled. 

“A womans worth is only valued at her measurable use!”, says a closed mind. This is the poison that has soiled the earth. Our global society has abused this energy, when long ago this energy was sacred. Women remember. Deep down inside where her Kraken lies, she recalls the days of veneration. This has to be restored, for balance to happen. The male/female energy on the planet is out of balance. Work quickly to regain. Trump mirrors our own self-hate for that part of ourselves that enjoys harming. A very uncomfortable place to explore. Your comfort with your own truth about this will determine your experience. 

What about men? they hurt too. Pain is similar but no one persons experience is ever the only. We are healing uncomfortable things. Watch your energy. Men need to be restored to warriors who are scholars. Everyone needs to relearn how they consider the male energy, their own and others. This work is for everyone, no matter how you identify. 

There is a war on for your children. The school environment is the only place the government can control your childrens every move. They can be studied, labeled, identified, sorted, and now every part of their life will be recorded, and that data sold to the highest bidder. They will be the first generation of this new and reimagined education system. A system that is aiming to be implemented globally, everywhere, for all. Hence the need for a high speed supernet to keep it all running. Beware of the screen time and the frequencies that can come in through digital signals. The technology sector will take over the world in ways we haven’t seen yet. 

The fundamental force driving all of this is you. 

Your Kraken craves a virgin. A woman who hasn’t learned to misuse her sexual energy. Someone who will give him that full belly feeling. Those deep currents that shift your underbelly are stirred by the world right now. What comes up is just for you. Projecting those depths will stir even more. Remember who you are and stop giving your power away to the forces that are consuming it and growing fat off you. 

There are many recent technological advances you should study before anything is injected into your body. Be accountable to yourself first, and make good choices. The topic itself should be openly discussed in a council setting by many different perspectives. It is unethical not to do it. The medical system is corrupt, and needs to be redefined. The vow of no harm has been broken. The energy of that is poison. 

Poison in small doses, however, can be antidotes….

Remember the time of year. A time of harvest, reaping what we sow. Look around you, who is closest to you? These are our most treasured opportunities to do the big work on a nanoscale. 

Hillary Raimo
Fall Equinox Message 2020

Synchronicity explained




2020, A Change-up Pitch, Bases Loaded: How the Pandemic has Shifted Identity, A Personal Story of Transformation

Well the time has come, for me to start writing again. It’s been awhile. So much going on in the world today, very little left unexposed. That’s the good news! We are finally seeing the truth of things. Lifting the veil and watching it all play out. On the collective it’s obvious what is happening, but in the micro of our everyday lives, maybe not so much.

What is surviving this year? Take a look around you and take note of what is falling apart and what is coming together. This year has been about change, realignment and identity. What illusions have you watched reveal themselves so far this year? What breakdown is happening, and where in your life is it happening most? Job change, financial shifts, friendships lost and gained, who are you now in all of this flux?

As our circumstances shift, as we adjust and claim our place in the new normal, what stays and what goes? Have you noticed any proclamation you declare is almost instantly manifested? I can’t help but notice a new me forming, as others have too. What is going to make it through all of this? So many questions and the answers are just out of sight around the corner, yet we can sense the change coming.

My heart is sad at how many misunderstandings have happened between people. How sides have been chosen and people have dug in. There appears to be more division, according to our news outlets at least. However, when I am out among people the truth is people are nicer, they smile more and are quicker to act on behalf of good. When the news outlets are shut off, and we simply move about our day interacting only on what we encounter in ‘real time’ and the world suddenly doesn’t seem all that bad.

I feel for those who would describe and identify as advocates. People who are compelled to speak up and voice concern for injustices, leadership overreach and for that which can’t speak for themselves. Your reach and ability to do so is being taken away, bit by bit, as new defining online containers are being built by the internet overlords who are paid highly to deem what content is worthy of what place online.

I am writing this the day after I received a notice from YouTube that my channels will be deleted in 30 days, not because of my content specifically, but because I don’t meet their minimum required number of subscribers to keep the channel. After having it for almost two decades, and promoting it regularly I suppose there is not enough interest in the work I have done in radio to keep it going. I have a choice here. To let it go, download the files to maintain them, perhaps build another platform, where like many of my radio colleagues have done build a paid subscriber section to access the content, or walk away.

Sometimes the moment offers a way out. A chance to let it all go, along with all of my attachment to the work, and the identity that has formed along with it. If I am honest about where I am at right now, after six months of pandemic change, after losing all my events and exhibits this year, I’ve had to reinvent much of how I work. I imagine many have had to do this as well.

If I haven’t been able to get the amount of subscribers I need to maintain a YouTube channel by now, after almost twenty years, do I really even have the public support for my radio work? I have to answer this honestly. In a world of followers and leaders, of worth equal to how much influence you have or don’t have, am I falling into the pit of trying harder to prove myself? If I don’t have the public support now, after twenty years on the air, will I ever have it? The sad hard truth is no. If it hasn’t happened by now, it won’t. In this world of followers, followers are what you must have to be successful, they confirm you’re worthy, valuable and help form your identity, I can’t help but wonder, have I utterly failed? The truth of this, as hard as it is to swallow, comes with the thought of how much work it has been, along with the financial investment, to do it all. Was it a waste? Did I fail? I presented so much information during a time when information was the gateway into freedom, a way to explore alternative perspectives, find one’s way to another way. I was, and still am, validated by my colleagues, respected by many, and sought after to speak. My time did happen. My work was validated. It still is by many who’ve been around for a long time. In these new times of reigning in the internet, I can’t help but wonder, am I being targeted, again?

In 2016, my content was syndicated and stolen. It’s a long sad story not worth repeating. I came back, I reinvented, I saved my work. But my numbers never recovered. I was never able to restore the subscribers I once had, and lost money over it. Fast forward to now, I’m getting ready to watch my channels be deleted. I could scramble and try to up my subscriber numbers, to save my channels, but when I think of all the work that would involve, and how disappointing it may be if no one does, my body loses its wind. A sign that doing so is not the option for me.

In the beginning of 2020, I started coaching with a knighted humanitarian for six months. During which I worked on stepping down as President of an organization. How to wrap it up, prepare and pass on the role, I learned more than just how to let this role go, I learned how to end things honorably. Without the usual drama and mess. Despite all my plans for this year, and how most of it was swiped off the table, I have watched and paid close attention to what has presented itself since.

Interestingly enough, as I start my Fall Ango work with the Zen Buddhist monks, studying the Bodhisattva, one of my first verses to learn was about walking away from my native land, leaving behind what I’ve built and where I’ve been. Of course, this is only a small part of the verses in the 37 practices of the Bodhisattva, it caught my attention. The next day I received my notice from YouTube.

This has been the consistent theme, as the pandemic landed me in a Zen Buddhist monastery in February, and for the last six months since I’ve been studying zen Buddhism, zen art, scripture and practicing Zazen at home and remotely with my sangha. I knew very little if anything about Buddhism in February and now I am starting to understand. In understanding, I am able to discern my illusions, fantasies and mind better.
I am able to navigate what I consider my identity, habits and default thinking on even deeper levels than before, having considered myself a spiritually oriented person for most of my life. Exploring different modalities, practices, beliefs both ancient and modern, searching and collecting texts which give a completely different take on certain modern topics, I thought I had a good grip on who I am.

After my fall out in the new age communities, and vowing to never return, I shed my holistic practices, businesses, clients and just kept reading. I was done with the love & light circles. Whose sense of spirituality carefully balanced on whether you were liked, accepted or not, and whose love could turn on you like a wielding sword of cut-throat death, I walked away. Bound only to a solid sense of my own place in my own spirituality that depended solely on my own practice, without needing anyone to do it. This still works for me today. However, in finding my way to the sangha, and working in a community again, I realize how this has aided in shielding me, with armor that I’ve forgotten how to take off. What a treasure to find unconditional acceptance, at least for now, and a community of like-minded people who can discuss life and all of its accolades in a setting monitored by monks, teachers and people of ability, whose motto is total inclusion no matter what.

Considering all of this, is losing the platform that houses almost 20 years of my work, really a big deal?
Yes in some ways, and that will have to be given its proper grieving. But if I am honest with myself, and I look around, my radio identity has in many ways attempted to try and live! It’s who I am! It’s everything I’ve done for this long! It proves my work! If my content exists, I exist! I proclaim loudly. So many emotions roll through, like on a stormy night. Thunder casts my feelings as lightening looks for outlets to release it. All while raining down on the earth, giving it exactly what it needs. Moving on, to clear skies and rainbows of better understanding and renewal.

That sounds great doesn’t it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt, make me angry, or cause me pain. The suffering this is causing, is it real suffering? A part of me says yes. Another, newly formed part says, I know how to liberate myself. My 3rd book released in 2018, was a compilation of 20 chosen episodes across my entire production of almost two decades, into one place, printed and preserved. I started my own publishing company, so I would own the rights to the book, the content protected. I suppose this is the real height of my radio career. These 20 conversations were so impactful, so precious, they’d deserved a spot in my book. It is the icing on my cake. The creme-de-la-creme. The launch was good, sold many copies, toured and did many interviews from it. All of which where saved, you guessed it – on YouTube.

Even my guest spots on other shows will be deleted. Deliberate discussions on so many important and timely things. I will download them, save them, file them on my bookshelves, next to my transcript book, and someday maybe I’ll pull all of it out to show my progeny. After all, they are who I do it all for anyway. Which may explain my lack of interest in followers, or subscribers, and soliciting them. I’ve never done it for this, and ultimately this will be my deciding factor in the deletion of my content and in tow, the identity that comes with it.

Is this the universe realigning me? Is this the nudge I’ve prayed for, the now what I’ve been looking for?

It won’t all be lost. I’ll have it. The internet is changing fast. You are or you aren’t anyone on it. Your work does or does not get noticed. After watching diligently the reigning in, I’ve seen colleagues lose their platforms, I’ve archived some of their content on my own platforms. In an effort to help. Even if that help is not reciprocated. Therein lies the problem, yes? Not enough reciprocation, help, support…… I could feel sorry for myself all day, grow bitter and resentful. Lash out and complain, hate, and demand this or that, but what good does that do? I’ve learned that is not the path for me, and therefore, I surrender peacefully. Without fight.

Who are you after losing a job you’ve been in for 20 years? I suppose a piece of that will always be there. Like a patch on a quilt. Separate but connected. If anything, experience to rely on for other things.

Most of all the reliance on knowing my work IS out there, has been, and most likely will continue to be in someways, reassures me. I’ll have the bulk of it, perhaps I can rebuild. My book is a testament to it all, and because I own it, it’ll be available as long as it can be printed.

I suppose I’m the equivalent of a small business owner needing to shut down due to too many losses during the pandemic. But this would only be cliche at best. The truth is I haven’t had the support in the form of subscribers for a longtime. For those who have, thank you. You’re appreciated. For those who haven’t, and yet claim you support and love my work, sometimes your allegiance is needed in the form of subscription, like putting your money where your mouth is. Because the new normal includes cutting out all the losers. If your favorite person is considered a loser by internet standards, perhaps you should be a better supporter and show up for them, so they can be winners, in this winning/losing world.

Please support the content makers you love, or they will disappear.
That is the reality of where we are now. Influencers influence your decision making. Your thoughts, beliefs, perspectives, actions and opinions. It is dangerous to be an influencer with the non-official narrative, you’ll be hunted down and executed. Buddha was an influencer, Jesus too. Mary changed minds, and so did so many others, many who are not even remembered. Our world now is a unique world, one that hasn’t been before, with rules that relate accordingly.

All the signs are leading me to see this loss as an opportunity to shift gears. To release what has been, and move on into what will be. Going through this could kill that spark in me. It could cause me to give up, walk away and never return. However, the other door open now, is my art career. Something that has flourished over the last four-five years.

I think about what is in waiting right now, what will be launching soon, and how the series of events recently has redirected my energies so that they can be more concentrated, I see my identity is shifting, transforming into something else. Something that does not bring the old with it. I think about all the teachers I’ve had throughout my life, and hear their words echoing, and my own, says yes.

C’est la vie, such is life. What will be, will be.
Choose the path of least resistance. Watch what is coming and going. Make note of who supports and who doesn’t, and then choose.

I hope somehow in sharing my experience, I can help you navigate yours. So many of us walk paths that are parallel and our experiences/circumstances resonate with understanding and compassion because we can relate.

My advice to those who create content, make sure you own yours, that it’s stored on platforms you own and control, and do what you need to do to protect it. To those who don’t create content, but are content consumers, make sure you are supporting especially right now, because the hunt is on.

Hillary Raimo
Upstate New York, September 2020

Heated Vaccine Debate Transcript with Robert Kennedy Jr & Alan Dershowitz

Original video here 

Screen Shot 2020-07-27 at 7.12.39 AM

Patrick Bet-David:
So look, we’ve invited a lot of different doctors to want to come and debate the topic of COVID-19 vaccine and everyone’s turned it down. But when it comes down too lawyers, they itch for things like this. So, it’s a different story when we’re talking about my two guests today, who by the way, both of them have been a guest on Valuetainment before separately on different topics. But today, conversation came up this week, a video popped up about what Alan Dershowitz said that led to a dialogue with Robert Kennedy. And then we said, “What if we can set up a friendly debate here together?” They both agreed. And so, today’s a special episode. We’ll talk about a lot of different things. But prior to going into it, if you don’t know who Alan Dershowitz is, his resume is legendary. 50 years he taught at Harvard. He’s represented some of the most interesting cases, OJ Simpson trial. A lot of different cases, so he’s had debate is what he does for a living. And on the complete opposite side, we have Robert Kennedy, where many call him a hero when it comes down to environmental crusader. He’s also, obviously, a lawyer. They’ve both written books.

Alan’s recent book, which you can get free on Kindle right now, is Guilt By Accusation. It’s on the topic of the Me Too Movement. Again, I ask them, do you want us to sell it? He said, “No, let them go get the Kindle.” So, that’s his discretion. You can go get the Kindle. We’ll put the link below as well. Having said that, gentlemen, thank you so much for being a guest on Valuetainment and agreeing to do this debate.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Thank you for having us Patrick.

Patrick Bet-David:

Alan Dershowitz:
Thank you.

Patrick Bet-David:
So, first thing I want to do is I want to share my screen and I want the audience to see what led us here, a comment that you made on a podcast you did. And then, I’ll go from there, asking your thoughts on it. So, here’s what was said in an interview a few weeks ago by Alan. 
Let’s show a clip of this.

(Clip) Alan Dershowitz:
Let me put it very clearly, you have no constitutional right to endanger the public and spread a disease, even if you disagree. You have no right not to be vaccine. You have no right not to wear a mask. You have no right to open up your business-

Speaker 5:
Wait, can I stop you.

Alan Dershowitz:


Speaker 5:
No right not to be vaccinated? Meaning if they decide you have to be vaccinated we have to be vaccinated?

Alan Dershowitz:
Absolutely. And if you refuse to be vaccinated the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm. If the vaccine-

Speaker 5:
Where is that in the constitution?


Alan Dershowitz:
If the vaccination is designed to prevent the spreading disease. If the vaccination is only to prevent a disease that you will get, for example, if there’s a disease that will kill you, you have the right to refuse that. But you have no right to refuse to be vaccinated against a contagious disease. Public health, the police power of the constitution, gives the state the power to compel that in their cases, in the United States Supreme Court.
(End of clip)

Patrick Bet-David:
So, now that interview goes for a while. So, let me bring you back to us here. Alan, those are some strong statements you made. Obviously his reaction, a lot of people’s reactions, has your positioned changed since making those statements on that interview?

Alan Dershowitz:
The statements I made on the interview were professional statements based on reading Supreme Court cases, not expressing personal views. They were view… I have strong personal views but my constitutional views haven’t changed at all. Let me be very clear, I don’t think this issue is going to come up in the near future, because right now, The New York Times has a big story today in which they talk about how there’s going to be a limited number of vaccines, and people are going to be waiting in line to get them.

So, the issue is not going to be confronted as do mandatory vaccines. Having said that, I want to just pause for one second and say how important this debate is and how privileged I am to participate in it with so distinguished conversationalist as Robert Kennedy. I, of course, knew his father. I had actually been offered a job to work with his father when he was Attorney General. But Harvard offered me a job and I decided to take it. I was a great fan of Senator Robert Kennedy, Attorney General Robert Kennedy, and I consider myself a friend of the Kennedy family. And I consider myself a friend of Robert Kennedy. I admire enormously the environmental work he’s done. And I think he’s performed an important function by raising issues about vaccination.

We, as you’ll see in this conversation, will disagree. We’ll probably agree on more things than people will be surprised at our level of agreement. But, on the issue of constitutionality, I am confident that this Supreme Court would follow Supreme Court precedent from 1905 and would say if there’s a safe, and that’s crucially important, effective measure that could significantly reduce the contagious impact of a deadly disease like the current pandemic virus, that the state would have the power to either directly compel vaccination. Or, for

example, condition young students coming to school on being vaccinated or people doing other things that might result in contagion being vaccinated.

So, no, I haven’t changed my professional constitutional opinion, but as Robert will tell you, we’ve had conversations offline. And he has persuaded me about a number of things relating to the health and safety and ethicacy of vaccine. So, I’ve learned a lot from our conversations, and I hope people will learn something from our conversations today. But, the constitutional issue, in my mind, remains the same.

Patrick Bet-David:
So, it’s important to unpack that constitutionally you’re remaining same position to say if the government wanted to mandate and make us take a vaccine we can’t say anything to it. That position is not changing?

Alan Dershowitz:
That’s right. As long as the vaccination is safe and effective. I’ll give an example. If you have somebody who has unique vulnerability to vaccinations, that person might be a medical exemption. The issue of religious exemption is something the courts have considered. Most recently the Supreme Court did, just in the last day or two, create religious exemptions for private schools, religious schools, in terms of whether employment laws operate on religious schools. So, we would have to see what the court would say about religious exemptions.

But as a general matter, a healthy person who simply has an ideological objection to vaccinations as such, not to this particular vaccination, but there’s some health reasons or vulnerability, the Supreme Court would, I predict, hold that the state could in one way or another compel vaccination either directly or as a condition of people engaging in public activities or activities that could create contagion. Yeah, that’s my position.

Patrick Bet-David:
Well, that’s very important to know because there’s your personal beliefs, which is complete different, than what you think will be able to be mandated. So, having said that, Robert, I know you’ve seen this before and you’ve seen when this statement was made. In one case, Alan even said he’d be willing to debate Robert Kennedy on this topic, which kind of led to us wanting to do this debate. What was your initial reaction of watching what Alan said? And what has changed since you and him have had calls together offline?

Robert Kennedy Jr:
I want to begin by thanking Alan for participating in this debate. And by the way, Patrick you’re familiar and Alan’s familiar with my voice. I want to apologize for that at the outset. It’s really bad in the morning, and Alan can only do this in the morning. But hopefully it’ll get better as we proceed. I want to thank Alan for participating in this debate. I’ve actually been trying to do a debate on this issue for 15 years. I’ve asked Peter Hotez, I’ve asked Paul Offit. I’ve asked all of the major leaders who are promoting vaccines to debate me and none of them have.

And I think it’s really important for our democracy to be able to have spirited, civil discussions about important issues like this. This is an issue that has been on the news 24 hours a day for the last four months. And yet, there’s no debate happening about this. It’s all kind of a repetition of the East government orthodox [inaudible 00:10:20] government proclamations. And democracy functions only when we have the free flow of information. Policy is best often crafted in the furnace of heated, spirited debate. It’s part of our constitutional system. It’s part of American’s tradition. We invited the free speech in this country’s First Amendment.

And it ought to be something that we celebrate and that we model for the world. It shouldn’t be something where you now have democratic leaders like, Adam Schiff calling on social media sites to sensor debate about important government issue. That shouldn’t happen.

So, I’m very grateful that Alan, who I know loves the First Amendment, for actually agreeing to debate on an issue in which he is at a disadvantage because I’ve spent 15 years working on this issue. I’m at a big disadvantage for him when it comes to talking about constitutional law. I’m going to try to keep a lot of this debate on my side of the issue [crosstalk 00:11:28].

Let me start out by saying, I don’t agree with Alan’s initial, and this is a very small disagreement because Alan and I have talked a lot offline. And I think we’ve come to a place where we really believe this is going to be a conversation, not a debate because I think on most of the issues we are in agreement. And he made the qualifiers when he came up and he said if it’s safe, if it’s effective. And I think most of the big ifs, that’s the playground where this debate is really happening. And I think, in the end, he and I would end up in the same place in that debate.

I will make a minor dispute, which is the Jacobson case, which was decided in 1905 was not a case where the state was claiming the power to go into somebody’s home and plunge a needle into their arm. Or kick down their door and take them by force. Jacobson, actually, was a guy who was resisting taking a small pox vaccine. He was from Cambridge, Massachusetts and the penalty for not taking the vaccine was a $5 fine. So, it was like a traffic ticket, and he decided to take it. He had been injured in a previous vaccine, so he didn’t want to take this one.

He took the case to the Supreme Court. He lost, and the remedy was he paid a $5 fine. So, I think it’s a big… There’s a big constitutional [inaudible 00:13:05] between that remedy, which is paying a fine and actually going in and holding somebody down and forcibly injecting them. And I’m not convinced the Supreme Court of the United States, at this point, would uphold that kind of law, nine to zero or eight to one at all. So, let me just add, let me now go to the initial place where I think we’re in agreement.

I think Alan and I are both in agreement that this should be a voluntary program. If there’s mandates, they should be as an ultimate, final, dramatic, drastic remedy. And that really, the question is why can’t we do a voluntary program? When Alan and I were kids, people wanted to get vaccinated. There was no fear of this [inaudible 00:14:08] of polo vaccines that people had a tremendous trust in our health regulatory officials. And today, that trust has evaporated to the extent where now 50% of the people who are polled in this country are saying they may not take the COVID vaccine. And 27% are a hard no. This is even before the vaccine is developed. Why is that happening? And that’s the question I think we really have to ask ourselves.

Alan Dershowitz:
I agree.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Why do so many Americans no longer trust our regulatory officials and trust this process? And one of the reasons is vaccines are very, very interesting and a very different kind of medical prerogative because it’s a remedy that’s being… It’s a medical intervention that is being given to perfectly healthy people to prevent somebody else from getting sick. And it’s the only medicine that’s given to healthy people. So, you would want, and particularly to children who have a whole lifetime in front of them. So, you would expect that we would want that

particular intervention to have particularly great risk guarantees that it’s safe because you’re saying to somebody, “We are going to make you make this sacrifice for the greater good. You have no health problems. You have zero risk. We are going to force you to undergo a medical intervention.”

And our side of the bargain should be, “Well, we want this to be completely safe.” But in fact, what we know about vaccines, and this is from AJ Jess’s own studies, a 2010 study by the Agency for Healthcare Research that was commissioned to look at vaccine entry because you see, for many years it’d been saying vaccine injury only occurs one in a million. But what AHRQ found, the federal agency, they looked at one HMO, which was a Harvard pilgrim HMO, and they did a machine cluster analysis. In other words, artificial intelligence counting. A very, very accurate counting system.

And they said, the actual rate of vaccine injury is 2.6%. That means one in 40 people get seriously injured by vaccines. And we want to, and we have a right, to say we are going to impose this intervention on people where there’s a one in 40 chance that you may get injured in order to protect hypothetical people catching that particular disease. And for anybody, and this I think is something that Alan really has to… I think, Alan, you need to come to terms with in terms of crafting your own arguments about this, it’s not hypothetical that vaccines cause injury. And that injuries aren’t rare.

The vaccine courts have paid out $4 billion and the threshold for getting into a vaccine court and getting a judgment, AHS admits that fewer than 1% of people who are injured ever even get to court. The other thing is, vaccines are zero liability. So, this is an industry that went to congress in 1996 and had a diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis vaccine at that time that was causing brain injury in one out of every 300 people. And they said to congress, “We cannot make vaccines safely. They are unavoidably unsafe.” That is the phrase in the statute, unavoidably unsafe.

The only reason that we’re going to continue to make vaccines is if you give us complete blanket immunity from liability. And congress gave it to them. So, today you have a product that if it injures you, no matter how negligent the company was, no matter how sloppy their line protocols, no matter how toxic the ingredients they choose to use, no matter how grievous your injury, you cannot sue that company. And that company, therefore, had no incentive to make that product safe and that should be troubling to any of us who are part of the legal system that is saying, “We are going to force people to take this intervention.”

Alan Dershowitz:
Look, I agree with much of what Robert has said. First of all, I completely agree the Supreme Court decision in the Jacobson case in 1905 is not binding on the issue of whether or not you could compel somebody to take the vaccine. The logic of the opinion, however, not the holding, the logic of the opinion and subsequent opinions, including [inaudible 00:19:27] strongly suggest that courts today would allow some form of compulsion if the conditions that we talked about were met. Safe, effective, exemptions in appropriate cases.

You talked about healthy people being compelled to take a vaccine which is not designed to help them. Of course it’s also designed to help them, but the major function is to make sure that they don’t become Typhoid Mary’s and spread the disease to other people. But when you take a vaccine you also increase the chances that you will not get the terrible, terrible disease. I think you’re going to have to concede, Robert, that the small pox vaccine had an enormous positive impact on wiping small pox from the face of the earth. Small pox was a dreaded, dreaded, dreaded disease. The Black Plague back in many, many centuries ago, if

there had been a vaccine back then, could have saved probably millions of lives. We don’t know what COVID-19 vaccine will look like.

But on the assumption, and here we have a real argument, on the assumption that it would be effective and would stop the pandemic, and would cause some injury to some people. Then, you have to ask how the courts would strike the balance. Oliver Wendell Holmes once made an analogy in an unrelated case to being drafted into the army. When you’re a young, 18 year old, healthy person, and we have a draft as we had in the Second World War, we don’t have it now. But at that point in time, a young 18 year old was told, “Look, congress has given the army complete exemption. We’re not liable if you’re shot by the Nazis or by the Japanese. You have to risk your life in order to protect other innocent people in the country.”

And it’s not a perfect analogy, obviously. But it does show that the courts have given, to the government, the authority to sometimes make decisions that require you to sacrifice your life. I have to tell you, I don’t become personal about this, but I don’t think there’s any family in the history of America that has ever made more sacrifices in the public interests than the Kennedy family. It broke all of our hearts to see how much sacrifice the Kennedy family personally made in order to, particularly Robert Kennedy, who put himself in harms way so many times on behalf of the Civil Rights Movement. People forget how much he put himself in harms way on behalf of Israel. He was a great friend of Israel, a great supporter of Israel. And the horrible man who killed him killed him because he was a Palestinian who hated Bobby Kennedy Sr’s views.

Sacrifice is part of the American tradition. And the Americans owe the Kennedy family an enormous debt of gratitude for their sacrifices. Now, those were voluntary sacrifices. President Kennedy went to Dallas knowing there were risks. Robert Kennedy went to Los Angeles knowing there were risks. By the way, I was working on his campaign the night I was woken up in the middle of the night to learn the horrible, horrible, horrible tragic news. And, those were voluntary acts. And obviously we’re talking about a very different thing. We’re talking about involuntary acts, but being drafted is an involuntary act.

Again, to mention the Kennedy family, the oldest brother of the Kennedy family volunteered to serve in the army and was killed in combat as a great hero. But, there were others who didn’t volunteer. Many of my own relatives served abroad. So, we demand sacrifices and we don’t demand perfection. I think both Robert and I agree that we live in an age, and it’s a terrible time that we live in, where everything has become politicized. You mentioned that when we were kids, I remember not being able to swim in the summers of 1953, ’54, ’55 because of polo. My friend died after being on a lung machine. And the blessing that we all made to Salk and Sabin for developing the vaccine.

But there were consequences. People took the vaccine and did suffer. In the end though polo was wiped out. And we live in a very divisive age. Let me mention one other point that I think we should be discussing. Today, The New York Times has a very interesting story about who the vaccine will be offered too. The Time’s story is not about mandatory, its about people wanting it. And Robert and I completely agree that the program should begin by giving it only to volunteers. We should only get to this terrible, tragic choice issue in the end, if it’s absolutely essential that people who don’t want to be vaccinated have to be vaccinated to get the kind of herd immunity. We all agree with that.

But we live in such a divided time that everything has become politicized. On July 4th, the Reverend Farrakhan made a speech to almost a million people, in which he urged Black people not to take the vaccine because we know the history of how Black people were

experimented on during the terrible Tuskegee time. And yet, Black people and Latino people and people of color are the most vulnerable to the illness. Is that a smart thing for Farrakhan to have urged his community? The number of people of color who have refused, who are indicated a refusal to take the vaccine, is I think slightly higher according to the report than the number of people not of color who are refusing to take the vaccine.

I understand that. I understand the suspicion that our country has generated among people. People don’t trust people anymore. I wrote an article in early March, right in the beginning of this, right at the beginning of this. I wrote an article and the title was, Trust Science But Be Skeptical of Scientists. And at that point, I pointed to two things that were being argued by science, including World Health Organization, which I generally support. Saying don’t wear masks, number one. And number two, the COVID-19 is not contagious by air. It has no aerosol contagion.

Patrick Bet-David:
You wrote that article?

Alan Dershowitz:
No, I wrote the article against it.

Patrick Bet-David:
Against it.

Alan Dershowitz:
I wrote an article saying don’t believe that. Masks work, number one. If they didn’t work why would so many doctors be using them and why would it be so necessary for doctors to have them? And second, I don’t believe that there’s no aerosol transmission. The disease could not have developed so quickly around the world just by touching surfaces. So, I challenge the medical establishment on that, and I turned out, of course as we all know, to be right. We know there’s aerosol transmission. We know masks have an impact, whether they help you for wearing it or whether they only help you in transmitting it. But I would like to throw a question out to Robert. I think I know the answer. Robert, would you be against a law that mandated the wearing of masks in public for everybody? Even by people who don’t approve of the wearing of masks?

Masks don’t kill you. They don’t pose the risks that vaccine do, but they do deprive you of freedom. Do you think the state, the government, has the legitimate constitutional power to mandate the wearing of masks by people who refuse to wear masks?

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Let me come back to that. Let me address some of the other things, because I think that’s actually a complex question. And I think the science is very controversial in that. But let me address some of the earlier things that you said first. One is this is a rather esoteric discussion, and one that I’m not going to really drag you into, other than to say this: the proposition and the theology that small pox and polo were abolished through the vaccination is controversial. That is not a proposition that is universally accepted.

And if you notice, all the infectious diseases, whether it was scurvy or tuberculosis, for which there were no vaccines, along with puerperal fever and diphtheria and pertussis and measles, all disappeared at the same time without vaccination. Now, CDC actually examined that because it became such a part of the orthodoxy of vaccines. The idea that small pox and polo

were abolished because of vaccines and these other diseases. They did, John Hopkins and CDC in 2000, did a comprehensive study of that proposition. The study was published in Pediatrics, which is the Journal for The American Association of Pediatrics, which is redoubt of fortification for vaccine orthodoxy.

So, it’s a publication very, very friendly in support of vaccinations. For people who want to look up this study, the lead author is Guier, G-U-I-E-R. And the conclusion of that study is that the abolishment of mortalities from infectious diseases that took place during the first half of the 20th century had virtually nothing to do with vaccines. It had everything to do with sanitation, with nutrition, with hygiene, with electric refrigerators, with reduction in population densities and essentially, engineering solution, clean water and good food. And actually, there was a guy called Edward Kass who was at Harvard Medical School at that time, who gave a very, very famous speech in which he warned that people who were promoting vaccines and other technologies would try to take credit for those reductions and mortalities from infectious diseases. And he said beware of them because they’ll try to monetize them and use that to increase their power and their prestige. So, it’s something that you might ought to look at again. It’s called Guier, G-U-I-E-R.

I agree with you, there was tremendous faith in vaccination during that period. But when you grew up, I grew up, Alan, we had three vaccines and all of them were deemed as necessary. There were fewer diseases. Today’s kids have to take 72 vaccines. 72 doses of 16 vaccines in order to stay in school. And that explosion of new vaccination came in 1987, after the passage of NVICA, the vaccine act. The vaccine act gave blanket immunity for liability to vaccine companies. And so, those companies all of the sudden looked around and they said, “Holy cow, now we’ve got a product where we are completely excused from the highest cost that inflicts every other medical product, which is downstream liability for injuries.” That’s the biggest cause for every medicine.

Not only that, vaccines have another exemption that most people don’t know about. They are the only medical product that does not have to be safety tested against a placebo. And that exemption is an artifact of CDC’s legacy as the public health service, which was a Quazite military agency, which is why people at the CDC have military ranks like Surgeon General and they wear uniforms. The vaccine program was conceived as a national security defense against biological attacks on our country. And they wanted to make sure that if the Russians attacked us with a biological agent, anthrax or something like that, that we could quickly formulate a vaccine and deploy it to 200 million American civilians without regulatory impediments.

Well, they said, “If we call it a medicine, we’re going to have to test it. And that takes five years to do double blind placebo testing. So, let’s call it something else. We’ll call it a biologic and we’ll exempt biologics from safety testing.” So, not a single one of the vaccines, the 72 vaccines now [inaudible 00:32:41] our children have ever been tested against a placebo. And I, in fact, sued the AHS in 2016 and said, “Show me any placebo studies that you have for any vaccines.” And they were unable to do so. None of them have been tested, and you don’t have to sue them like I did. Anybody can go on their cellphone and look up manufacturers, insert Hepatitis B vaccine, Gardasil vaccine, polo vaccine. Do you know how many days the current polo vaccine, do you know how many days it was safety tested for, Alan? 48 hours. The Hepatitis B vaccine, the Glaxo version, was four days. The Merck version, five days.

That means that if the baby they gave that to had a seizure on day six, it never happened. If the baby died on day six, it never happened. If the baby got food allergies that were diagnosed two years later, it never happened. If the baby got Autism, which is not diagnosed

until four years of age, 4.2 years of age, it never happened. Autoimmune diseases, you cannot see those if you have these short term studies, and you can’t see any risks if you don’t test against a placebo.

And my question is, nobody knows, because of that, nobody knows the risk profile for any vaccine that is currently on the schedule. And that means nobody can say with any scientific certainty that that vaccine is adverting more injuries and deaths than it’s causing. And my question is, how in the heck can we be mandating to children that they take a medical product for which we do not know the risks? And to me, that is criminal.

We started this discussion by talking about how do you avoid a whole discussion about mandating vaccines? The way that you do that is you have a transparent process where people see that the vaccines can be tested. They see that it’s tested fairly against a placebo. That there’s longterm tests that are going to be able to spot all of these difficulties. And it’s transparent and open, and yet, what we’ve seen from the current group of COVID vaccines is none of that’s happening. They’re skipping key parts of the test.

A Moderna vaccine, which is the lead candidate, skipped the animal testing all together. When they came to human testing, they tested 145 people. They had a high dose group of 15 people, a medium dosed group of 15 and a low dosed group of 15 people. In the low dose group, one of the people got so sick from the vaccine they had to be hospitalized. That’s 6%. In the high dose group, three people got so sick they had to be hospitalized. That’s 20%. They’re going ahead and making two billion doses of that vaccine.

And by the way, the people that they test them on, Alan, are not typical Americans. They use what they call exclusionary criteria. They are only giving these vaccines in these tests that they’re doing to the healthiest people. If you look at their exclusionary criteria, you cannot be pregnant. You cannot be overweight. You must have never smoked a cigarette. You must have never vaped. You must have no respiratory problems in your family. You can’t suffer asthma. You can’t have diabetes. You can’t have rheumatoid arthritis or any autoimmune disease. There has to be no history of seizure in your family.

These are the people they’re testing the vaccine on. But that’s not who they’re going to give them to. They’re going to… What happens? These people are like The Avengers. They’re like Superman. You can shoot them with a bullet and they won’t go down. But what happens when they give them to the typical American, you know Sally Six Pack and Joe Bag of Donuts, who’s 50 pounds overweight and has diabetes? What is going to happen then? You’re not going to see 20%. You’re going to see a lot of people dropping dead. These people have lost consciousness. They had to go to the hospital. They had huge fevers and they’re the healthiest people in the world.

So, any other medicine, Alan, that had that kind of profile in its original phase one study would be DOA. The problem is Anthony Fauci put $500 million of our dollars into that vaccine. He owns half the patent. He has five guys who are working for him were entitled to collect royalties from that. So, you have a corrupt system, and now they’ve got a vaccine that is too big to fail. And instead of saying, “Hey, this was a terrible, terrible mistake.” They’re saying, “We are going to order two billion doses of this.”

And you’ve got to understand, Alan, with these COVID vaccines, these companies are playing with House money. They’re not spending anything on it. And they have no liability! So, if they kill 20 people or 200 people or 2,000 people in their clinical trials, big deal. They have zero

liability. And guess what? They’ve wasted none of their money because we’re giving them money to play with. People like me, and people in our community are looking at this process and we’re saying, “Whatever comes out of that process, we don’t want to take it because we’re seeing how the sausage is made.” And it’s really sickening. No medical product in the world would be able to go forward with the profile that Moderna has.

Alan Dershowitz:
Let me just respond because I think we’re coming to common ground here. I have no doubt that transparency and testing is essential. I don’t understand why there isn’t a placebo testing and other testing later, after the initial vaccine. So, there are many phases in a vaccine. We have an emergency now. And we may have to in fact develop a vaccine and make it available to people without placebo testing, without diversity testing. We may have to do that, but there’s no reason why, over time, we can’t do the traditional testing, say with polo or small pox, that are now part of our history and have no existed for so many years.

Obviously at this point there’s no reason not to be able to do the placebo and the other kinds of human testing. The articles in The Times that I referred to made a very interesting point. It said that the people who are most vulnerable to the disease are the people who probably won’t be part of the original testing. The testing is, as you said, done mostly on people who are quite healthy. But isn’t there a natural test that occurs? You say the pharmaceutical industry has nothing to lose, but look at what happened to the pharmaceutical companies that put forward some of the opiates. They have been driven out of business. Their names have been taken off buildings. They are regarded as pariahs in the world today. Certainly anybody who runs a pharmaceutical company cares deeply about not killing people.

And even if the government doesn’t mandate this kind of testing, and even if they give them exemption from financial liability, surely good people. I think we assume that people who run companies today… I have a friend who’s trying to develop one of the vaccines and he’s doing it without profit. He feels so strongly about the need to vaccinate people around the world. So, I think you overstate it when you say that the people who are developing these vaccines have no concern whatsoever whether people live or die. I think they do have a concern. I think the government has eliminated their financial liability.

But would you be sat… And the other thing is you say there’s no testing, but I’m not the expert, I’m not the medical journal reader. But I’ve read enough medical journals to know that there is a lot of natural testing. You site some of it. You site some of the arguments that say that over years people get Autism, people get this, people get that. Those results don’t come from the initial testing that allowed the product to go forward. They come from great universities, medical schools, and public health institutions that continue to test products over time and report to the public the results of those products.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Here’s the answer. You raised a bunch of questions. One is the opiate people got busted, Alan, and by the way, no, they were not moral people. They knew what they were doing. They’re killing 56,000 American young kids a year, knowing what they were doing. More kids every year that were killed in the Vietnam War. These are not moral companies, and they only got busted because plaintiff’s attorneys could sue them.

Alan Dershowitz:
I agree.

Robert Kennedy Jr:

And they got the discovery documents and walked them down to the US Attorney’s Office and said, “Hey, there’s criminal behavior here.” That can never happen in the vaccine space. You can’t sue them. There’s no discovery. There’s no depositions. There’s no class action suit. There’s no multi district litigation. There’s no interrogatories. Nothing. They never get caught.

Now, they use four companies that make all of our vaccines, all 72 of the vaccine shots that are now mandated for our children. Every one of them is a convicted serial felon. Glaxo, Sanofi, Pfizer, Merck in the past 10 years, just in the last decade, those companies have paid $35 billion in criminal penalties, damages, fines for lying to doctors, for defrauding science, for falsifying science, for killing hundreds of thousands of Americans knowingly and getting way with it. Vioxx, which was Merck’s biggest vaccine producer, Vioxx, which was their flagship product in 2007 was a pill that they marketed as a headache pill that caused heart attacks. They knew it caused heart attacks because they saw them in the signals in their clinical trials. They didn’t tell the American public. And they killed between 120,000 and 500,000 Americans who did not need to die.

And most of those Americans were people who had rheumatoid arthritis or they had headaches and migraines. And they took that pill believing… And by the way, when we sued them, we got spreadsheets from their bean counters where they said, “We’re going to kill all these people and we’re still going to make a profit. So, let’s go ahead.”

Alan Dershowitz:
Nobody can justify that. I agree with you completely. Nobody.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Right, and it ended up… They should have all gone to prison and instead they paid a $7 billion fine. But how can anybody… It requires a cognitive dissonance for people who understand the corporate, called the criminal corporate cultures of these four companies. To believe that they’re doing this in every other product that they have, but they’re not doing it with vaccines. They aren’t.

Now, I just want to answer your other question. No, placebo testing does not take place after the clinical trials, and the reason for that is AHS has adopted a very unethical guidance that says it is unethical, once a vaccine is licensed, recommended, it is unethical to do placebo trials or compare vaccinated versus unvaccinated people. There are scientists who do it, but they’re punished for it. It’s very difficult for them to publish. They get their funding cut off because nobody wants any study that is going to reveal the truth about vaccine injuries. So, it just does not happen.

Alan Dershowitz:
Look, it’s very important that you’re making these points because we live in a democracy. And nobody is going to compel a vaccine unless you get democratic approval. Legislators are going to have to pass laws doing that. And you should testify about this. Your voice should be heard. But in the end, how do you respond when the American public has listened to you, has listened to your argument. They’re very persuasive, and they’re very convincing and they have an impact on people like me with open minds. And yet, in the end, there’s a vote by the legislator, and the legislator votes to compel vaccinations in the public interests, just the way the legislator votes to draft young people to fight wars in which they will die.

In a democracy, don’t you have to follow the will of the majority? I agree, transparency is all important. And let’s shift the debate because you said you wanted to answer the question.

Let’s take it out of vaccine for one second, because I think it helps analytically. I’m a law professor for 50 years, so I always do hypotheticals, hypos. So, let’s assume the legislator now passes a law, every 50 states and the United States Congress passes a law requiring everybody to wear a mask when they’re outdoors. And you say, “Well, I’m not so sure that masks are helpful. Maybe they are, maybe they aren’t.” Congress has hearings. Congress makes a determination that on balance they are helpful. Wouldn’t you agree that it would be constitutional? Let’s start with constitutional and then desirable. Wouldn’t you agree that it would be constitutional to mandate the wearing of masks? Even if people have political, ideological, medical, religious objections because A, the wearing of the mask is only an inconvenience. Maybe it’ll cause a little irritation by some people that will require a topical pharmaceutical. And it has the potential, not to save the world, but to improve the possibility of not having communicable diseases. Wouldn’t you agree that mandatory mask wearing would be constitutional?

Robert Kennedy Jr:
If I accepted all of your precedents, then perhaps I would. The thing is, I know a lot about the masks and my organization, CHD, has not taken a position on them. But I have read, well I’ve read at least three med reviews involving hundreds of studies on masks, and the majority of those studies, in fact there’s a BMJ study from 2015 that says that the masks are actually likely to spread the disease and to make you less healthy because the carbon dioxide that you’re breathing. And the people who wear the mask are more likely to get sick. I’m not saying that that’s my decision. I’m just saying there’s a lot of contrary science out there.

Alan Dershowitz:
Do you wear a mask personally when you go out?

Robert Kennedy Jr:
If the science was clear, if the science was clear then I’d be much more sympathetic of your view. Let me ask you this. Let me just answer the other question you had. You said we have to rely on the majority. Well, I grew up in the state of Virginia, Alan. When I grew up it was illegal because the majority voted, that it was illegal for a Black man to marry a white woman.

Alan Dershowitz:
I agree.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
[crosstalk 00:49:10] Blacks to vote. So, the majority is not no. In a democracy, you have the courts there that protect our rights [crosstalk 00:49:17]-

Alan Dershowitz:
I agree.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
And unfortunately, we are in a situation today where we have tremendous corruption. Not only in congress, which receives more money from pharmaceutical companies than any other industry. Pharmaceutical gives [inaudible 00:49:38] twice the amount then oil and gas, which is the next big one. Four times what defense and aerospace. There are more lobbyist, pharma lobbyist, in congress than there are members of congress in the senate. So, we have lost the legislative independent of that body.

And unfortunately, Alan, the agencies are also captured. Now, you know about agency capture. It happens everywhere. I’ve [inaudible 00:50:11] EPA my entire life. We just sued the EPA. We just sued Monsanto. We got a historic judgment, a $12 billion settlement in the Monsanto case. And I was part of that trial team, and one of the things that happened during that trial is that EPA took a position against us. They took a position that glyphosate, Round- Up, does not cause cancer. As it turns out, we got an internal memorandum that showed that the head of the pesticide division in EPA was actually working secretly for Monsanto and killing studies and twisting studies and ghostwriting studies to falsify the science. We were able to-

Alan Dershowitz:
Look, you’re doing great work [crosstalk 00:51:00]-

Robert Kennedy Jr:
We were able to show that to the jury. Now, imagine this, that’s the EPA, which is an independent agency. Imagine this, the FDA gets 50% of its budget from the vaccine companies, from the industry. 50%. The CDC has an $11.5 billion budget and $4.9 billion of that is buying and selling and distributing vaccines. The CDC is a vaccine company. It owns 57 vaccine patents. So, it can make money on every sell of a vaccine. And NIH owns hundreds of vaccine patents. NIH owns half the patent for the Moderna vaccine.

There’s five individuals at NIH and the rules at NIH, if you’re a scientist or an official who worked on a vaccine, you’re out to collect $150,000 a year in royalties on sales that that vaccine makes. These regulatory agencies aren’t actually vaccine companies. The vaccine marketing sales part of those agencies is the tail that is now wagging on the regulatory dog. They are not doing their job as regulators.

And in fact, the senior scientist at CDC today, the senior vaccine safety scientist, he’s still at CDC, he was the senior scientist there for 18 years. He’s the author or co-author on all of the major studies that CDC had produced on vaccine safety, and particularly the studies that show that vaccine does not cause Autism. His name is Dr. William Thompson. Three years ago he came forward and he said, “We have been ordered to fake all the science for the last decade on Autism.” And he said, “In fact, we were…” In the major study, which is called DiStefano 2004. It’s the most sited study on this subject on Pub Med.

And he said in that study we find out that Black boys who get the MMR vaccine had a 363% greater risk of getting an Autism diagnosis then Black boys who waited after the [inaudible 00:53:21] months. He said he was ordered to come into a conference room with all that data with his four other co-authors by their CDC boss, Frank DiStefano, who then ordered them to destroy that data in front of him in CDC headquarters and then, published that study saying there is no effect. So you have agency that is really just an arm of industry, and the people who are in my community, who are being trotted and vilify these mothers who have vaccine injured children, are being vilified in the press, who are saying, “Wait a minute. We have a read the studies, the scientific studies. We have read about the industry corruption. We need to talk about this.” They’re being silenced by the press. They’re not allowed to tell their stories, and nobody is talking. Not a single member of Anderson Cooper’s staff or [inaudible 00:54:20] has made any effort to talk to Bill Thompson and he has been begging to be subpoenaed and he’s still at CDC.

Alan Dershowitz:
Look, the reason I agreed to do this debate is because I think you perform an important function by bringing out some of these ties, some of these connections. You perform an important function when you bring lawsuits against corrupt pharmaceutical companies. But my question is this, knowing all that you know now, and putting aside the issue of let’s assume we didn’t have mandatory vaccinations. Let’s assume you win that debate. And it’s only voluntary vaccinations now, and they come forward with a vaccine that they say will stem the tide of the pandemic. And you’re allowed to go on television, on Anderson Cooper, would you urge all the American people not to take the vaccine?

Robert Kennedy Jr.
Alan Dershowitz:
Would you become part of the campaign not to take the vaccine-
Robert Kennedy Jr:
Alan Dershowitz:
… if it [crosstalk 00:55:17]-
Robert Kennedy Jr:
Oh no. I’m not anti vaccine. People call me anti vaccine because of the way they’re marginalizing me and silencing me and saying, “Oh”-

Alan Dershowitz:
That’s why I’m asking you the question.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
I’m not anti vaccine. Look, Alan, I’ve been trying to get mercury out of fish for 37 years. Nobody calls me anti fish.

Alan Dershowitz:
I support you on that, 100%. But, what would you do-

Robert Kennedy Jr:
But let me just say this-

Alan Dershowitz:
… television, what would you tell the American public if the vaccine were available and if you were invited, say, to speak to members of the Black community, members of the Latino community, members of the general American community and they said [crosstalk 00:56:01]-

Robert Kennedy Jr:
If the vaccine… Listen, if the vaccine-

Alan Dershowitz:

Robert Kennedy Jr:
If they come out with a vaccine that does what Bill Gates says it’s going to do, which is you give one shot, you get lifetime immunity, and there are vanishingly rare, serious injuries. So, I don’t mind jab site, redness, itching. Forget about it. I don’t care. I’m talking about deaths, or brain damage, one in a million. That may be acceptable. In that case, and it works, then I’d say, I’d tell people, “Yeah, I’m going to get it. Let’s go ahead and get it.”

Alan Dershowitz:
What if it was one in 1,000, not one in a million. That’s more realistic.Robert Kennedy Jr:
One in 1,000, no, of course not. I’m not going to tell one in 1,000 people to die so that 999 people can avoid COVID, particularly since the case vitality rate for COVID, I mean, a health person has basically zero chance of dying from COVID. So, you need to give it to a tremendous number of people to save one life. And the problem with this vaccine is we don’t know if the vaccine is going to kill more people when you start giving it to those people with the comorbidities. 54% of Americans now has diabetes, overweight, rheumatoid arthritis, they’re smokers. They have 54% of us, I’m not even talking about smokers and vapers. 54% of us has chronic disease. They’re testing it on one group and they’re going to give it to another. And we need to know what the risk factor is in the people that they give it to.
Alan Dershowitz:
I agree with that. Let me put you in-
Robert Kennedy Jr:
And let me just say the complete thought that was going to be made before. I’ve sued the EPA for many years, and it’s [inaudible 00:57:57]. What would happen if EPA made half of its annual budget selling coal? That’s what you’ve got with these regulatory agencies. They’re completely corrupt.
Alan Dershowitz:
You’re performing an important function doing this. Let me ask you another question. What if we had a system which said this, “You have two choices. One, you can have the vaccine, or two, you can refuse to take the vaccine. But if you refuse to take the vaccine you have to remain in quarantine until such time as the pandemic is basically passed. So, it’s your option.” The one option you don’t have, you don’t have the third option. That is not taking the vaccine and mingling with the public and risking other people getting COVID, not only young people, although young people do die. The Broadway actor who had his leg amputated and recently tied tragically without any preexisting conditions. What if we gave people that option? Quarantine is the option for refusing to accept the vaccine. You don’t have the third option of refusing to accept the vaccine and walking around the public without masks.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
The problem is, that sounds like a reasonable position. The problem is, it’s not the way the world works. And let me explain why. Here’s how the world works, and the best analogy is the flu vaccine. So, the flu vaccine is very much like the Coronavirus vaccine but we’ve had the flu vaccine for 90 years. So, every year it’s fine tuned and perfected. And originally they told us the flu vaccine, you’ll give one shot and you’ll have immunity for life. And then, it turned out, no, we need to get it every year.

Alan Dershowitz:
Because there are variations of flu.

Robert Kennedy Jr:

Right, and the same thing is highly likely to happen with Coronavirus. Now, the Cochrane Collaboration, which is the ultimate arbiter for vaccine safety. It is the highest authority, and The British Medical Journal have done three giant meta reviews on the flu vaccine literature. So, they look at all the literature that exist, the peer reviewed literature that is on Pub Med, I think 127 studies. They did it in 2010, 2014 and 2017. Here’s what they find.

CDC said the flu vaccine is 35% effective. That’s what they claim. Cochrane Collaboration said no. You have to give 100 shots to prevent one case of flu, number one. Number two, there is zero evidence that the flu shot prevents any hospitalizations or any deaths. Number three, the flu shot transmits the flu. In fact, if you get a flu shot you’re six times more likely to give somebody else the flu than if you didn’t get the flu shot. And this is true, Alan, for many, many other shots [crosstalk 01:01:08]. The polo vaccine, which you know about, is so good at transmitting, giving polo to other people, that 70% of the polo cases in the world today come from the vaccine.

Alan Dershowitz:
So, let me ask you a specific question.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
And the chicken pox, if you go to the chicken pox manufacturer’s insert, it says if you get this chicken pox vaccine, you should not go near pregnant women for six weeks or anybody who is immuno compromised. The same with [crosstalk 01:01:39], the same with pertussis. You become an asymptomatic carrier. So, you’re not guaranteeing, and in fact, the Astrazeneca vaccine, the Oxford vaccine, which is the other leader, when they gave it to monkeys the monkeys continued to transmit the disease. And Bill Gates and Fauci have been going on TV saying, “We may get a vaccine that protects you, but you may still be transmitting it.” So, why are you going to lock that guy up in a house and all the people out who are now asymptomatic carriers because they’ve got Gate’s vaccine?

Alan Dershowitz:
Let me agree with you, first of all. If they develop a vaccine that only prevents you from getting it, but doesn’t prevent you from transmitting it, I would not be in favor of compelling that vaccine. And I think the Supreme Court would not accept that as a rational. But I want to ask you a direct question. I’m 81, I’m almost 82 years old. My doctor, who I love and admire, says to me every year come October, “You must get the flu vaccine. You must get the vaccine against pneumonia. You must get the vaccine, whatever it is, again, shingles.” I listen to my doctor who I love and admire, who’s been taking care of me for years. Should I, instead, listen to you and not take the flu vaccine?

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Nobody should listen to me. People need to do the science themselves and I would say to you, no. Listen to your doctor. What Regan said about Gorbachev, trust but verify. You look at the vaccine inserts, Alan. Look at some of the science, and I would say, in a million years I would not take the flu shot. And I’ll tell you why, because this is what Cochrane and BMJ have found. People who take the flu shot are protected against that strain of flu. But they’re 4.4 times more likely to get a non-flu infection. And you might find, and a lot of people do, that they get the flu shot and then, they get sick. They’re usually not getting the flu. They’re getting something that is indistinguishable from the flu because the flu shot gives you something called pathogenic priming.

It injures your immune system so that you’re more likely to get a non-flu, viral, upper respiratory infection. In fact, the Pentagon published a story, and you can site this. It’s by Wolfe, W-O-L-F-E. In January of this year, in which they said the flu shot not only primes you for flu, but it primes you for Coronavirus. If you get a placebo group, and they had a vaccine group because they want it for military readiness to see if the flu shot was prolific against Coronavirus. What they found is, actually the people who got the flu shot were 36% more likely to get Coronavirus. And that’s not a lone study.

We found six other major studies that say the same thing. If you get the flu shot, you’re more likely to get Coronavirus. And this is what the science says. And you should not listen to me. Nobody should.

Alan Dershowitz:
I understand.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Just read the science.

Alan Dershowitz:
So, let me understand the implications of your position on the flu shot. Not only would you not take the flu shot, and urge me to look into science and in the end, decide not to take the flu shot because it’s too dangerous. But you would also, if I take the implications of your position accurately, outlaw the flu shot. Make it illegal because in your view, and in the view of the scientists you quote, the flu shot causes more harm than good. And increases the chances of us all getting the Coronavirus. Do I understand the implications of your view correctly?

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Yeah, but I wouldn’t take that sort of extreme position. What I would say is we should have vaccines, but we shouldn’t have a one sized fits all mandates. There may be some situations where even a flu shot would be beneficial to somebody because a flu shot is not completely ineffective. It does probably give you protection against that year’s flu strain if they get it right. And there could be a situation where somebody’s life depended on getting that flu shot, but to mandate the flu shot population wide, I think is criminal. And I think it’s… Look, all you have to do, Alan, and this is what Cochrane said, is look what’s happened to longevity in the elderly since we started mandating the flu shot to elderly people.

Those are the people, their life expectancy has dramatically gone down as the flu shot proliferated. If you see the people who died during the COVID crisis, and there’s no science on this, but it’s observational. It tended to be people who got their flu shots, people who were in nursing homes who all get flu shots, people who are first responders who get flu shot.

Alan Dershowitz:
So, with all due respect, I don’t understand the implications of your position. If you’re right, why wouldn’t it follow that the flu shot should be illegal? You said it’s criminal to mandate the flu shot because it kills people in my age category. So, if you had to cast the deciding vote, if you had to decided to run for congress instead of doing the great work you’ve done over so many years, and you were the deciding vote in United States Senate. And there was a bill to outlaw the flu shot, why wouldn’t you vote for it if you think that it doesn’t-

Robert Kennedy Jr:

I’m kind of a free market guy. I’m against mandates. I think that there may be situations where that product might do some good for somebody. But I just don’t believe it should be mandated. I wouldn’t think, for example, that Viagra should be mandated to every human being on the planet, right? But there may be somebody who says, “I want to take that medication.” Let them do it. [crosstalk 01:08:07] order everybody to do it.

Alan Dershowitz:
Look, you and I are on the same page there. I’m curious what you think of this, because I feel very strongly about this. Let’s assume you have a drug, a pharmaceutical, that hasn’t been tested, that is potentially dangerous, but has a 10% chance of curing pancreatic cancer in terminally ill patients. Do you agree with me, and with President Trump on this issue, that individuals who are dying should have the opportunity to go off label and to take dangerous drugs that probably will kill them, but increase the chances that they remain alive. That that should be a matter of individual choice, rather than-

Robert Kennedy Jr:
I have a big libertarian streak in me.

Alan Dershowitz:
Me too.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
I think people should be left to their own choices wherever possible, unless it’s going to do some harm to others. Let me address just one last thing that you were talking about-

Alan Dershowitz:
We agree with that. We both agree with [crosstalk 01:09:06]-

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Yeah, I think, Alan, I think we agree on most stuff. You said, well if it’s tested against a placebo. And this, I think, is why people like me are suspicious, are reticent. The Oxford vaccine, which is the other leader. Gates has a huge investment in it. Fauci is pushing it. It is the leader. Astrazeneca is now branding it. Well, that vaccine is run by a guy called Greg Pollard, who is at Oxford. A very, very famous, powerful virologist.

He originally promised, at the beginning, he said, “We’re going to test it against a placebo. We’re going to do what’s never been done in vaccinology before. We’re going to actually use an inert placebo and test them. And then, in the middle of his phase two, he said, “No, we’re going to test it against the meningitis vaccine.” The meningitis vaccine is a vaccine with a really high injury profile. It has a list, and just on its manufacturing insert are 50 deadly serious injuries, including Kawasaki Disease, [inaudible 01:10:22], paralysis, seizure, heart attacks and death, and Hepatitis, and all kinds of auto immune disease.

It’s probably, it’s arguably the most dangerous vaccine. So, instead of giving his placebo group an inert placebo, he’s giving them the most dangerous vaccine he can. Why? It’s a ploy that vaccinologists use and they give their placebo group something that’s horrendously dangerous to mask injuries in the vaccine. And so, everybody on my side sees this and they say, “He’s not being honest.” We do not know what the risk profile of that product is. We are never going to take that product because it was never tested against a placebo.

Make them do the science. Don’t get angry at people who are skeptical and say, “Oh, you’re skeptical.” We’re watching the sausage get made, and it’s an ugly process. And by the way, he gave that vaccine to a bunch of monkeys, Macocks, [crosstalk 01:11:28] and then, he challenged the Macocks by exposing them to the wild Coronavirus.

Alan Dershowitz:
Yep, yep.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
And all of the Macocks got sick. So, the vaccine doesn’t work, but because the British government put 90,000 pounds into it, he now has been ordered to make two million doses with a vaccine we know doesn’t work. And they’re going for it with it anyway, and he refuses to test against a placebo. So, that gives us zero faith in the whole process.

Alan Dershowitz:
Right. So, let me first of all say, nobody should be angry at you. People should be praising you for bringing this to the attention of the American public. Let me just summarize, if I can, my view. And then, you can get the last word. I am thrilled that we had this debate. I think the public watching the debate has learned. We’ve learned how much we agree about. We’re both libertarians, we both agree with John Stewart Bell, that the government shouldn’t be compelling you to do anything just for your own good. But they can compel you to do things that prevent harm to others.

We have some disagreements about mandates. I think we both agree that any vaccine should start out by being offered voluntarily. We both agree that people should be offered the vaccine initially and take it on a voluntary basis, and that mandatory vaccination, which presents very daunting moral and constitutional issues, should not be required until it’s proved absolutely necessary by the consensus of medical opinion.

I think we also agree that the First Amendment and the spirit of the First Amendment requires that this debate continue. So, I’m pleased that we had this debate. You’ve persuaded me about some of the medical issues. I will look further into medical issues. I don’t think I’ve persuaded you on the constitutional issues, and I know you haven’t persuaded me on the constitutional issues. I still take the position of, though in a democracy, the courts do have the final word, that I do believe that if there were legislation mandating in extreme circumstances with safety and other considerations taken into account, mandatory vaccination. I do believe the Supreme Court would and should uphold mandatory vaccination under those circumstances.

That’s the major area we disagree with. But in practical terms, I suspect we don’t have a lot of disagreement that will come to fruition in the next year or so, because in the next year, the big issue will be how to get the vaccine voluntarily to as many people as possible who are willing to take it. And so, thank you for putting together this debate. I think it really was informative. And thank you Robert for accepting the idea of debating on this issue.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Thank you Alan. And I want to express my gratitude to you on behalf of myself and everybody in this community. People who are called anti vacs, they’re mainly not anti vaccine. Almost all of them are the mothers and fathers of intellectually disabled kids who gave all the vaccines, who did what they were told. And then, their child was injured, and that prompted them to go out and do the research. Those people should be allowed to speak. Those people should

not be gagged. They should not be shut up. They should not considered heretics. They should be allowed to tell their story, and they should be treated with compassion and understanding and patience, and an intellectual openness towards their stories.

They shouldn’t be vilified, they shouldn’t be gas lighted. They shouldn’t be ignored. And right now, particularly at a point in our history, where we’re talking about giving lots of people this vaccine, their stories are more important to hear than ever. I want to thank you, because for 15 years all of us have been trying to do a debate and we haven’t been able to get Peter Hotez to do it. We haven’t been able to get Paul Offit, Ann Lipkin, any of the leaders have been scared to sit where you are now. And I want to thank you so much on behalf of all of us, but also our democratic traditions for coming here. Thank you, Alan.

Alan Dershowitz:
Well thank you, Robert.

Patrick Bet-David:
Gentlemen, one thing I do want to say is I’m glad I got through my 28 questions with you guys. It was very good. And I know one thing is we have to make this disclaimer, that this debate is not sponsored by Viagra, even though Robert brought up Viagra. And I’ll make sure next time we’re in Boston I avoid taking you to my favorite sushi spot, since you are anti fish. I had no clue until today’s debate that Robert is anti fish.

And by the way, based on how this goes, if the audience comes back, we may reach out to you for part two again. If there’s other topics we can touch up [crosstalk 01:16:23]. Alan, thank you so much for your time. Robert, thank you so much for your time. Take care everybody. Appreciate you guys. Thank you.

Robert Kennedy Jr:
Thank you very much, Patrick.

Patrick Bet-David:
So, can you imagine for 15 years, Robert Kennedy has been waiting for one person to want to debate the issue of vaccine, and Alan Dershowitz, the attorney, constitutional lawyer, finally said yes. And this took place. You had a chance to watch both of them go at it. I’m curious to know if either one of them changed your mind? Comment below. And on top of that, you know what I’d like to see take place, is to get someone who’s a doctor, any one of them, Offit, Hotez, anybody that you would like to see debate. Go on Twitter and tweet them and myself saying we’d like to see you debate Robert Kennedy on Valuetainment.

And outside of that, look, I’ve got two other interviews I want you to watch. One of them is my full interview I do with Robert Kennedy, which is an even deeper interview on the topic of vaccine in this one. If you’ve not watched it, click over here. And the other one is a debate format that we had about a year ago, where we had two folks come. Somebody who was from US Navy intelligence, and another person that was a developmental director from normal, and they debated marijuana. We went into cocaine, alcohol. Very, very good debate, live right here in my office. If you’ve not watched that, click over here.
Patrick Bet-David:

And if this topic of vaccine is important to you, you are directly or indirectly effected by this, help share this video and the topic started out there by people talking about it. Whether you’re pro or anti, share this video with others. Facebook, Twitter, text, whatever it may be so we can get a lot of eyeballs for people to start talking about this debate as we’re getting closure to a possibility of a mandated vaccine for Coronavirus. And if you enjoyed the video today, please click the subscribe button. Take care everybody. Bye.

David Icke Transcript Recent Interview June 2020

Transcript of LondonReal.tv/biz with David Icke released onYouTube via Video Advice
June 25th, 2020


David Icke:
They want to create chaos, fear, upheaval, especially in this period between now and 2030, when they want to transform human society. They’re in the process of it. This whole pandemic hoax was massively part of it. And so is current events. Now, while they’re doing that, they want the population looking in the other direction. They don’t want them sitting back and connecting the dots. They want them constantly reacting to chaos, upheaval, and that’s why we’ve gone seamlessly… And it seems to be like another random event. It’s not. It’s all part of the same progression, what I call the totalitarian tiptoe. We’ve gone seamlessly from the lockdown situation into the protests and the riots. It’s a tidal wave of contradictions and ridiculous demands, which when you are comparing them and seeing that contradiction, you see crystal clearly that it’s a scam.

And then, overnight, thousands of people are shoulder to shoulder in protests, and suddenly it’s not such a big deal anymore. You see why this, on the face of it, ridiculous contradiction actually makes sense. The common denominator of everything that happens in the world is does it serve the agenda of this global cult that I’ve been exposing for 30 years, or does it not serve the agenda? If it serves the agenda, it is supported. It is not banned. It is not suppressed. It is promoted in the media and it is allowed to happen, indeed, encouraged to happen. If it does not promote or support the agenda, indeed challenges it, then it’s not supported. It’s suppressed. It’s silenced. It’s demonized. The foundation of the few controlling the many, at any time in human history, it’s a fundamental foundation of everything you must divide and rule the many.

So it serves the agenda of divide and rule to have people under house arrest and everyone kept apart. It serves them with social distancing, where everyone is kept apart, divide, divide. It serves them to have people wearing masks, which means that human discourse and interaction is destroyed, so social distancing, masks, house arrest must happen. But hold on a second, it also serves the agenda of divide and rule to have massive racial division. And so social distancing, masks, house arrest is followed by no social distancing in the riots and the protests, but because both serve the agenda of divide, you have this apparent contradiction of social distancing imposed, and then social distancing completely ignored, it’s not a problem. But there’s a common denominator between the two. They both serve the agenda of dividing and ruling the population.

And this was captured so perfectly in one of the most ludicrous documents I’ve ever seen. And it was in the last week, when about a thousand doctors and medical people, and others, signed a letter, when the protests and the riots began, and they said, “These protests (including riots) should not be stopped because of the danger of the infectious nature of COVID-19,” because it’s more important that these protests take place and be allowed to take place than what they claim is an infectious disease. I don’t accept that, but they do. And in this same letter they said, “But this does not mean there should be a permissive attitude and acceptance of other protests,” particularly it said protests against stay-at-home orders. So in that one letter, you had this ridiculous contradiction that it’s okay to protest without social distancing, but only if you protest here against this, but other protests, it’s not, it’s still dangerous.

Why do 1% billionaires like Soros, 1% corporations like Cisco, 1% foundations galore fund Black Lives Matter when they could not give a shit about black people or any other apart from themselves? Why would they do that? Now, here’s an irony of ironies, the same cult, families, and networks that were behind slavery and the imposition on black people of slavery are the same networks, the same cult that funds Black Lives Matter. What is going on? It’s another irony of ironies. This cult, at its core, is almost entirely white and it is funding black Lives Matter in basically a war on white people. Get on your knees. Who benefits? Who benefits from me believing what the authorities are telling me to believe? Who benefits from me acting upon what the authorities are telling me to believe? Who benefits from this organization being funded by these 1% corporations and billionaires? And if you keep asking that question, the same answer will come back. Anyone that wants to advance the agenda of dividing and ruling the population and imposing more and more control of humanity.

If you don’t know where the world’s being taken and who by, and the techniques of manipulation that take us there, then the world is a random place. But when you know where the world’s being taken, you know basically who’s taking us there, why, and the techniques of manipulation to take us there, suddenly randomness disappears. Because what is random to most people becomes a very clear sequence of events that is taking us in a very obvious direction towards the outcome. If people don’t want to be scammed, first of all they have to get informed and they have to stop getting all their perceptions from the mainstream media. When you step back from mainstream sources and you look at alternative sources, where narratives are being questioned instead of parroted and repeated, then you can start to see how the dots connect. You see, it’s not what is happening that is the point of revelatory understanding, it’s why it’s happening. It’s context. The mainstream media will tell you that something’s happening. They’ll put their own spin on it, of course, but they’ll tell you that something’s happening. But they won’t tell you accurately unbiasedly why it’s happening.


David Icke Website 



Did You Forget the First Day of Spring?

Amid the chaos, a glimmer of renewal peeks its shiny head.  The wind brings news of an early spring. Green is returning here and there. Male birds are singing mating songs, while the females search for just the right place to build a nest. The sun is a bit brighter each day for just a few more months. The light pulls the seed to the surface.

So it is with us.

After feeling the need for some long months of rest, I stopped creating. I had to replenish as the snow fell outside my window. The winter this year was shorter. Less harsh. The only large storm we got here was before Christmas. This is not the normal pattern of weather here, I have lived here all my life. I have become a good observer. The weather is shifting but it always has. But more lately I’m told.

Why do we have to fear climate shifting? It’s been around since the creation of the earth, according to megalithic knowledge. The poles have shifted, scientifically proven. The electromagnetic fields have changed accordingly, as tracked by science. This alters the weather patterns globally. It explains a lot. Humans have contaminated the planet by not following rules of balance. Letting profits and greed be the manifesto while environmental consequences have been neglected and ignored. There is clear proof of that. The fear circulating creates shame. This shame makes it easier to sell.

The loop currents in the ocean. The jet stream. How well do you know the cycles of your own planet? This effects how the vegetation grows in every area. Animals migrate with the changes. Have humans forgotten their part and great connection in all of it?

Of course, there are other issues. Equally important.

As the permafrost thaws, ancient long ago sleeping viruses waken. Things that haven’t been around since before the beginning. It is my belief that the release of these ultimate earth based intelligences, keeping balance for eons, will appear like the four horsemen of the apocalypse but not in the way the artwork would have you believe.

Geology proves the shifting of oceans, mountains, valleys, and Geologists can read the records. What has come before?


Mecca has stopped. Churches are empty with no mass. Biblical times. Will aliens save us?
Let’s agree we are in a period of unusual circumstances. That said, let’s try a fun thing. Ask yourself, what was I doing right before the announcement of the virus? What direction was I heading? What actual action was I taking? Where were my thoughts?

How has any of that changed?

Your answer to that will be a personal milestone. The spring equinox is about balance between light and dark. A momentary pause in the ethers. A reset of all karmic debts perhaps. A slit in the time fields in which passing through is an initiation all itself.  There can be no hate in balance. Everything has its purpose. Nothing is by accident, everything has meaning.

Treat every interaction as sacred and nothing can harm you. 

Your intention leads the way, alongside your beliefs about yourself and others. Your thoughts are not hidden. There is no such thing as secrets in consciousness. Your mind is a projector, your thoughts are avenues, the scene before you is your own creation. Unless you are aware of that, it is easy for you to be manipulated. Harry Potter learned the dark arts at Hogwarts for a reason. So he could understand it to protect himself from it. There is wisdom in that.

Some non-mainstream researchers believe those dark art teachers are those who call the shots. Whose consequences trickle down through the infrastructures all around us. These teachers of the dark arts are not here to love you. This is tough stuff to explore and not everyone is called to do it. Thank you to those who are, so we can better understand the world around us. I admire your courage and light.

For those who believe you shouldn’t even look, there is a safety to be found in denial. It helps trick the mind into believing it is safe. The behavior that follows aligns with conformity, routine, compliance, comfort zones. However, when the illusion of safety fades, what takes its place is a sudden immersion into a complex state of vulnerability. Congratulations on your path to this powerful and life changing crossroads.

It is like a lucid dream. The longer you can stay lucid the greater chances you’ll be able to move around in the dreamscape. Exploring your own mind. Speaking directly to your subconscious in real time. This vulnerability mind is fragile and collapses. With practice it become stronger. Over time, and repetition, you can master it.

Is it manipulation? or evolution?

I believe we are all consciousness. Each part of that manifesting in a variety of ways. Exploring that may in fact be the purpose of human life. As each trail leads to somewhere deep inside us which always in turn, stirs the universe.

Does crisis constitute a spiritual emergency? are we prepared to be vulnerable, real, present, grateful, mindful, emotional, honest?

On another note, the financial situation on the planet must change. It is not sustainable. Government and leadership structures need to change. Business has to have a soul. Justice needs to help and protect the people. Politics no longer works the way it has. Voices need to be heard that have never been listened too. Otherwise, we will deplete what can sustain us and earth will continue to evolve on her own without us. Extinction doesn’t just live in Africa.

In this time of rest and non-doing, and as we all connect, take a look at your behavior. Are you connecting face to face, or is it all virtual? Watch yourself navigate it. Observe the choices made and why. Reflect on your own thoughts. Also observe, how things unfold around you that you have no control over. Observe your reaction to it. Practice it.

I bet your dreams change.

I write this message in hope to inspire deeper thought. Pose questions for pondering. Offer food for the soul. My heart is cleansed. I am content with my service to the world. I am at peace with my relationships. Creating is fun and flows. When my fear rises I meditate and greet it with the respect it deserves, a power often misunderstood. I ask it questions and have a conversation. My practice of doing this helps me navigate my own psyche with deliberate intent.

So here we are, in an auspicious time. Magic everywhere. While we could conjure a wartime mentally, we can also conjure anything else, like getting our gardens ready.
Remember working in your own gardens provides food, connection with nature, immunity through soil, and tunes your energy to the frequency of earth, not 5G.

Viruses come and go, upgrading our DNA along the way. If man just stopped trying so hard to play god, we wouldn’t have such fuckery in the world. Our bodies are wise ancient live beings with the intelligence of nature built in. When will we trust the process?

I bet right now clergy are wishing they hadn’t murdered all those healers way back then. In an attempt to hide the truth of it all, so we would forget how our bodies worked, and we would trust an unnatural system which makes us believe we are powerless creatures.

Meanwhile, the flowers bloom and the bees awaken…..

Hillary Raimo
Spring Equinox 2020

Artist statement: My work titled “Corona” is a cliche and an opening all at once.

Corona by Hillary Raimo 2020

2020, A New Decade of Infinite Possibilities and Predictions by Hillary Raimo


Like Tweddle dee and tweedle dumb off to fight the jabberwocky!
Instead of swords they are armed with their own minds, feelings and opinions. Free from the angry mob syndrome that has now gone viral in this country. A place where women are empowered by claiming victimization and men are kept in ‘power over’ by distorted images of corruption and greed. A place where anger gets you in trouble and being a sheep makes you popular. Where people can agree to disagree no more and divides are deepened just because you think differently. Welcome to the new world order. We have arrived.

Careful where you tread, say some, while others scream raging hatred at the things about their world they don’t like. One opinion vs another may be the end of things while others lock onto those who agree. Are we really living in a world where it feels like we are still navigating the cliches of high school? The popular kids vs the unpopular kids? Those who are cool vs those who aren’t? Those who have money and those who don’t? It sure SEEMS that way, however when I go out into the world, people are nice no one is hating, except maybe on the weather.

So where is this reality being told? online.
The digital age has introduced and implemented a new way to manipulate and mind control. Much to the delight of those organizations that monitor populations for terrorism and other operations. That’s a good thing you say? of course you say it, regurgitated from an endless branding of a thought. See Something Say Something is washed into every corner of your airports, schools, malls and more. Spy on each other, and report. It’ll stop school shootings! Keep us safe! from what exactly?

Facial recognition technology is in your child’s school because school shootings have enabled this, as well as, a library of identity for each of your kids all in the name of progress and protection. How insensitive of me! you say? another program installed to sort out those who question authority and perhaps should be removed from society, and most certainly success! How come none of the school shooters ever explained themselves? because they were killed without question. Their motives told to us by the same machine that has proven itself to be untrustworthy and biased, mainstream news.

The education system will change. It will become a refined sorting hat for children who will be chosen for ‘leadership’ with direct job links to the military, intelligence and government sectors. But only for the chosen few! Those who score high in certain subjects, special, smart, high IQ’ers. Thanks to digitized educational records a child can now be monitored for mental illness, behavioral problems, and sadly if not chosen for the routes of success, they will be sorted to the blue collar working arenas where they will most likely go on to welfare, food stamps and struggle to make ends meet. This population will be constantly monitored by new laws requiring obedience to rules that hinder, suppress and condemn individuality. Education will move towards being privatized so students, and the parents who can afford it, can specialize the focus of their children, for example learning how to code. The digital advancements of identity will enable the screening of all children as they grow, allow them to be shaped, groomed and led into the coral of choice. Subjects will be come obsolete. It will shift towards teaching a skill from birth. Gene editing will be available to only those who can afford it. And they will be educated accordingly. 

Why do we still have a TSA?
After 9/11 the agendas moved forward into building a new state. As well as, a state of fear, suspicion, distrust and hate. First we were told to hate muslims. Then we were told to hate russians. And we do every single time. Why? because we are manipulated too. Add being bombarded with altering waves of energy at all times you have a recipe for easy brainwashing. A militarized tool for swaying peoples feelings, opinions and actions. But wait! that was the Russians, right? Some people don’t think so and we should listen to why.

It has been said, electronic devices can channel ghosts. Paranormal activity is notorious for communicating through electronics. Psychics can read the digital energies too. As our dependance on being ‘connected’ at all times reigns, so too does our consciousness shape around what is dominantly the larger belief system. This is the basic rule of religions. Get the people to believe, get their money and offer them what they want to hear and a set of rules to follow for life.  This is also a great marketing technique for publishing books, or trying to launch a product or idea. Our current world revolves around marketing. Ask the church, your favorite guru, or chosen product of anything, if they would be in your hands/life without marketing themselves or their product in some way. It’s our culture through and through. Although perhaps a waning trend, the tactics of commercials, on any device, reach into our lives and persuade us that we need something. If successful we buy it, or into it and our lives align accordingly. It is the same with information as a commodity. The psychology of marketing is a billion dollar business. Can you be targeted and marketed an idea about someone or something?
Yes. It is much easier now with the digital age than at any other time in history.

What is the current dominant belief system? Well there are a few.
Let’s start with, dependance on the internet for information. Whether you believe it or not, you are being targeted with information all the time. More and more people are dependent on search engines to get answers, and you can probably ask alexa or siri for those stats. It’s not like the days when parishioners would go to the church for answers, or their wise mothers, or their community shaman, and especially within. So many wonderful dramatic distractions to choose from today. Yet even if one proudly proclaims they don’t watch the news, so therefore they’re somehow exempt from being exposed to the daily grind, I am sorry to burst the bubble, but every time one gets online anywhere from any device, they’re being tracked and studied. I don’t care, I have nothing to hide!? A common response carefully groomed into the psyche of citizens everywhere. There are many people who have come to trust the surveillance state we have shamefully become. Much to their ignorant demise.

Identity will be the reason why new protocols will be implemented throughout local/state/federal arenas. This will include digitized identity databases where your official documents will be stored and accessible by every government agency with proper clearance. It will consist of levels of access, data studies, algorithmic sorting and behavioral standards. Thanks to digitized healthcare records your profile will include your health diagnosis’, prescription medicines you are on or not on, which doctors you see, sexual health, and every intimate detail you can possibly imagine about you including your vaccine schedule. The old way only had people exposed to a vaccine schedule through primary school. Once you graduated you were no longer mandated to have shots. Times have changed. The flu and the measles are out there somewhere! A new vaccine schedule will rise that will include adulthood. All in the name of protecting you! (repetitive theme used in many areas). Access for these vaccines will be made everywhere. Free of charge. Encouraged to fit in. Be a good citizen. Do your duty. It will be discovered these new vaccines are instruments for nanotechnology and biotech agendas. People will rise up in protest, and will easily be silenced with new technologies undisclosed to the public running behind the scenes monitoring content and effectively erasing what no longer serves a direct purpose of swaying. Your identity will show if you are compliant with many new ways. Microchips will be implanted into the wrist area as a new way to identify, first offered by choice and then mandated – like the flu shot. Peoples financial life will not escape change. To be fair everyone will receive equal parts, except those who are above the poverty lines. Because laws were passed that gave untold power to corporate entities without checks and balances, these entities will consume much. The environment will be over saturated in contamination and will require the invention and wide use of SMART farming. A computerized digitized system that will improve many things, but will align with GMOs and pesticides that cause the human form great harm. Unless someone stands up to change that, it won’t change and the food supply will fall into the hands of those who don’t eat it because they know better. Someone’s mind somewhere needs to change on the inside. This cannot be predicted. A seed gets planted and can grow to become a movement. 

In light of that, let’s ask a great question. What makes people change their minds? Make a list. I bet that list matches your path through the trump years. #selfreflect

Who is lying? Who is right? Who is bipolar? Mental illness will make its way to the top of the list of priorities over the next year. In light of the insane trump and his manson-like followers, school shooters, terrorists and especially those who question the official story! Mental health monitoring, medicating and control of …. will open the gateway to sorting out those who are on medication, those who aren’t and those who are deemed should be. Special thanks to technology who has risen to the occasion of sorting! Platforms that provide social outlets for people stuck behind computer screens, will be catalogued and stored for reference if one ever steps out of line, one’s reputation will be easily destroyed if you piss off the wrong person. New industries of protecting your online reputation will pop up and offer resolve for a price. Erasing your content never really erases you’re content, unless you’re Google. Drones will evolve to be neighborhood police dogs. Your new real ID’s will scan at every traffic light, airport gate and your face will be your entry to other places. To save everyone time, you could just microchip your everything into your body and help everyone catch up as to who you really are at each scan. This will be marketed as convenience and innovation, along with saving lives! But what it is really doing is creating a library of everyone, so law enforcement and other agencies can sort society into fine categories for deeper state control. The political industry will help shape all of this in unison.

How good is your memory? Do you recall well? As years go by how well do you really remember 9/11? or Pearl Harbor? or that conversation you had with so and so? Didn’t that meme use to say something else? What about that story back when? This is the psychology spinners count on for spinning their webs. The psychology of forget.

The health insurance industry is going to change. In the meantime people will be fleeced in premiums and outrageous medical expenses because the industry knows it’s headed for change. If you don’t get a microchip you’ll be issued a smart card. These smart cards were written into contractual language of some basic homeowners policies beginning in 2013. Everything starts to line up and people will start to see how everything connects over long courses of time and over seemingly unrelated areas. Consciousness will override the lies, manipulations and people will be able to see through it all. Unfortunately it will be too late, and the infrastructures needed to reshape society will already have their hands in deep. People will be caught in a tangled web of dependance, rules, conformity and modification. There will be a small minority who will help wake others up to the senseless control. But it will be a dangerous time, it will require discernment, balance and the ability to know thyself. 

Sounds just like a Matrix movie.

Protecting the innocence of the child will be the #1 most important priority in birthing another new world. Along with protecting the heart of men and women. Love provides a shield of light. The greater the love the greater the shield. Many have lost in love, are wounded, skeptical and even work against it. The real war will reveal itself this coming year, as the magic of the decade ending allows an opening to seed and empower a new one. Many are hoping you believe in theirs. Choose your own visions.

These times require our peaceful warrior heart energies. They require an understanding of time, the human mind, emotions, psychic energies, our weaknesses and strengths. I love a happy ending for a long drawn out story, but sometimes happy endings are optional. Just like one chooses who they partner with, work with, are around, things don’t always work out the way we want. But in an effort to not leave it on a hopeless note, I say….

If you plan on being a super hero, now is the time to put on your cape.

Hillary Raimo
New York December 2019




2019 Year of Death Predictions by Hillary Raimo

Is it your responsibility to birth the new patriarchy?
You just watched the death of the old.

Momentum is personal. Dependent on everyones own insides. You are not like everyone else. You are unique and special. A rare light.

It is a dangerous world to shine in. Everyone wants you to conform to some simple definition of what you are. Expectations taint motives that lie just beyond the far reaches of your most secret thought. Theories attempt your seduction and offer immersion. Yet in the end what doesn’t belong to you disappears. You will be left naked and swimming in your own. Fear waits for you to decide, will it feast on your nightmares?

I have not written lately. But now I am. I’ve watched the circus play out in the digital realms. While keeping myself sane with long walks in the winter woods. While groups of people gather in accordance with what they believe, the digital realms strengthen and infrastructures increase. Everything is smarter these days, or so it seems.

My creative energy still aligns with the stars and the birds. No matter who thinks otherwise. You do not have to explain yourself to anyone anymore. 2019 offers freedom from other peoples perspectives of you. To those who offer a box to define you it is up to you if you allow that constraint. No one is going to save you anymore.

Have you healed your daddy issues?
If any man still triggers your rage or pain, then you have not. Keep trying.

Have you learned to treat women like goddesses or does bitch still reign?
You’ve been offered many examples of feminine power these last few years. Which have you adapted into? That includes the men.

The Mayan calendar said time ended in 2011. We just moved into Pisces ending an era since then. Barbara Hand Clow , Mayan elder says we are in a time of no time. Instant manifestation. I’ve put it to the test, and I must agree.

Here’s what I see coming….

There is a massive digital take over happening right beneath everyones eyes. While most stand on a pedestal and preach the word, few live it. Everything you’ve done between then and now has been recorded. A new library of things has been created. A database so invasive it is offensive to the all seeing eyes of those who can see it. Smart cities are coming in the name of climate change. 5G is already in place and in some places a choice for connection right now. It is faster than any other option and when everyones life is connected to it, it will be perfectly capable of handling the enormous amount of data that will require. Everyone loves a quick connection.

In 2010, I interviewed Dr. David Lewis Anderson who said time travel had been invented but it could only send data back in time, nothing else. Imagine the implications of that today.

People will judge others by way of their digital identity. The agenda will become public and those who have participated will be amazed at how much you have been studied, analyzed and hoodwinked.

Take sides! Believe in something!
Divide. Hate. Separate.
Anyone not screaming must be a Trump supporter and a Nazi.

What a well calculated machine. With enormous sums of money behind it. While people find themselves distracted, not doing what they are supposed to be doing, denying their lives and others of their eternal light. Hypocrites lurk everywhere. Or maybe its just how humans are made. Communication is changing. People barely finish a conversation now. Because in the digital realms you are always connected by design. Who needs full sentences or salutations.

2019 is about getting your mental state right, being present, and watching the final stages of death of the energetic form of the old patriarch. That male energy that uses women, steals their light, selfishly consumes her body for their own pleasures, pushes her intelligence down, and only acknowledges her if she is culturally acceptable to look at. The death of the male energy that infects women and makes them more masculine so they fit in better in a society that denies her full potential. The death of the male energy that refuses to see her priceless intuitive gifts that have held the universe together since the beginning of time.

Fools will be weeded out, and suddenly find themselves marked by the witch. Whose reputation was destroyed by greedy guts who still never say sorry.

I am not your whore, nor am I your queen. You don’t know me because you have forgotten who I am, and you are lost in your own delusions that will suffer greatly this year if you do not lift them and integrate your own greatness before anyone else.

It is not your job to birth anyone else but yourself. Your judgement of anyone is your downfall. This is how you are hooked into the social engineering of the time. The bigger picture is only seen by a select few, and we need to listen to their visions better.

Being psychic is not a job you decide to do one day, nor is it something you can pay for to become. You either are or you aren’t, and everyone is. Like a light switch it just has to get turned on.

I hope you have learned what you needed last year as it will help guide you through the birth canal. Squeezing off all your cheesy shit, and molding you into a fine piece of work.

Pay close attention to the choices you make, and hearts you hurt. Everything is about to change, and as we are prepped for it, made to believe this is just how life is, remember who you really are.

Don’t get sucked in.
Honor what has made you smile.

Hillary Raimo




The American Political Healing by Hillary Raimo

In the healing process what we resist, persists.

In the world, meaning all who are physically in a body incarnate on planet Earth right now, live in a political leadership of some form. Regardless of how you participate in that, it is there.

That political leadership is in charge of protecting/destroying the land, that includes health/disease of food systems, medicines and education.

I bet we can all agree on that.

Perhaps there is more to it, but for the sake of this article I am going to stick to the points that stand out to me intuitively. As the author of the article, I hope dear reader you will respect that.

The political realm is a realm in need of healing. Corruption has become the norm. How can you expect people to stand in some form of integrity and be held to levels of accountability no one has held them accountable for in a very long time, if ever. So many have benefited from the corruption. Corrupt people help other corrupt people. The depth of this healing is enormous. It lives in all of us. No one is immune. We are here together, what are those odds? Astronomical. Appreciate that.

No one is better or worse than anyone. We are all here to learn. We grow through our experiences. We learn from our mistakes. Perhaps on the collective platform, lessons are being learned so when it comes time to judge someone else, consideration will be had for the healing process.

Maybe… the collective issues are all a scam to put laws in place that none of us lay people have even thought of yet.

How does anyone really know the truth about anything? It is all hearsay. Everyone will have a similar version of truth, but none is the truth of the one who actually experienced it.

Where is the healing process in all of this?
Where is the mercy? the forgiveness? the moving on?

Wounded people sabotage a lot about their life. They sabotage their success in work, relationships, friendships, experiences, and carry on the abuse passing it down to their children and so on.
Until they don’t. That only happens when they acknowledge the wound. Seeing it for what it is, something inside them that dictates how they see themselves, others, and the world.

Reality is multidimensional.
So is the deep healing.

As a trained and certified healer I can say this is true. Too many mock the intuitive wisdom that lives within all of us. Making fun of what they wish they understood better. Everyone is on a different marker on the path. The arrogance that lives in people who mock the lowers & judge who is worthy or un, these people should be tarred and feathered, and then left to learn better.

Healing is about taking responsibility for how we hurt others.
It is about setting examples of nurturing, kindness and love without attaching strings, expectations and corruption.

When a world accepts accusations as guilt, we have lost our way as a conscious species. Things have overgrown in the minds of all and it is time for a pruning. When people wish harm on another, for any reason, it is clear the heart of humanity is wounded, and one brother or sister left behind is one to many. We need to stop this insane pattern of cultural PTSD and stupidity.

I don’t care who you voted for, who you believe, how you pray, or how many awards or disasters you’ve won. All I care about is how you became better through it. Better can mean physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally. Hopefully it is steeped in a grounded, centered core that is unshakable in the reality of truth for yourself.
THIS IS YOUR HEALING. It will happen when you’re ready.

Everyone has some form of trauma that they have experienced in their lifetime. I believe that is fair to say. There is a difference between people who have healed from that, and those who have not. Whatever form of trauma it is, you can tell the difference when someone is on the other side of that trauma, and when they are not. Too many treat people who are struggling like a disease. Shame on them. If they cross your path it is for a reason. Denying that is like shooting yourself in your foot and trying to run a marathon.

Anyone who has ever sought out the help of a healer, knows what brought them to that point. It is a personal journey. Sometimes it is played out on the collective platform for a bigger healing. Reaching more people.

What victimization lives inside you that still needs to be healed?

Check in. Be honest. Search and explore. This will be the greatest achievement of your life. It is worth your time and effort. Then just when you think you are done healing, you will be tested, not in a pass or fail kind of way, but in a let’s-see-how-you-do-with-this kinda way. What will trigger you?

Sexual victimization?
Unequal treatment?
Cruelty to people or animals?
Your partner leaving you?
Loss of a job/income?
Someone unfriending you on Facebook?

The list could go on and on. Do you see where I am going with this yet? I wrote a new book with a chapter on Healing The American Shadow. Perhaps you should read it.

America needs a healing. Massive in scale. Not aligned with any one religion. Just a plain good old healing. It needs some rest, nurturing and it needs to return to its roots which go beyond the Native Americans. It’s ancient past. Which boils down to the land. Like our DNA where memories are stored, the land holds them too. Good and bad.

If Trump still does it for you, look at why. Go from there. Politics are a problem. Especially for those who are impacted by the actions and decisions of this country. There is a worldwide impact. Meanwhile cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico and the oceans continue.

As the contamination gets into the water cycle.

Think about what that would invade. Think about how dependent we all are on it, and how no boundaries define it. No governments, no politicians, no county line can divide what the water cycle touches. This is a mirror of the healing process.

Roundup was found by a court of law to cause cancer recently. A man won 200+million dollars in a lawsuit against Monsanto. Yet, you can still buy Roundup in stores. This is the analogy of what is wrong with things. Healing would require the removal of Roundup, and all harmful chemical agriculture. So no one else gets cancer. Makes sense?

Algae blooms are caused by pesticides in the water. The water cycle moves the pesticides around. It is common sense. Our leadership as it is now, and as it has been, has enabled the abuse to the environment. I accuse them of wrong doing. They should automatically be removed from office, and everyone should believe me and stand behind me as a movement is born. This needs to heal.

In healing, looking at the deemed ‘bad stuff’ is necessary to clear your chakras and aura. Removing the blocks so your chi, or energy, can run freely without obstruction. I am a certified and trained healer, so I can say that with certainty. Removing that obstruction can heal your system. Just as removing the contamination would heal the land.

What is obstructing us from caring?

Narcissism runs in spiritual veins just as it does in the unspiritual. If it is in one, then it is in others, and most likely all. Since we are all one according to every multi-million dollar new age industry leader.

Growing up has never been so complicated.
There are lessons to be learned, complications to sort out, challenges to be had. Why not meet them head on, and face the truth of yourself and how you contribute to the mess? Acknowledging is half the journey. The rest is figuring out how you are going to use your super powers.

No one has any power over you, that you do not allow.
Hating anyone contributes to the problems we all see.

No one can deny the environments victimization and exploitation over the last several centuries especially. To deny that, is to side with the abusers. In healing it is about seeing all of it, not just your rose colored glassy eyed version.

Enough of the scandalized distractions.
This is your ego. An often misunderstood necessity in the healing process. All too often blamed for things that it should not be blamed for.

The next time anyone calls anyone a derogatory name, tell that person to go heal. They may never speak to you again, but perhaps that is your healing. Move on.

The healing process requires priorities. Strong and difficult boundaries. KNOWING when your knowing is right on, and learning how to express that truthfully and with integrity, is the point.

Good luck! The fate of the world depends on it.

Hillary Raimo

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“The Day After The Election” Photograph Hillary Raimo SOLD